If you ever want some real motivation by a super fit older woman, Google Morjorie Newlin. Evidently she's done the whole talk show circuit, but if you missed her like I did, she's an 87-year-old bodybuilding champion. She started lifting weights when she was 72 so she could carry home a big bag of kitty litter without help. One of her interviews ends with this quote:
Linda: That’s some accomplishment. I bet people ask you all the time, how do you stay so young?
Morjorie: I can’t do anything to be young, I don’t wanna be young. I’ve been young. I feel good just the way I am.
Morjorie: I can’t do anything to be young, I don’t wanna be young. I’ve been young. I feel good just the way I am.
Morjorie has joined Sister Madonna Buder (she's a nun in her 70s who does Ironman triathlons) as my inspirations. I hope I can keep up their attitudes as I go through life. One more quote, from Pure and Simple Yoga by Eoin Finn:
It's hard, yes, but the future you thanks the present you.